Sunday, June 1, 2014

Photospot: Vesper Sparrow on Eastern Long Island

Back to the Summer Season in East Hampton and entertaining guests most weekends, but this morning I was able to sneak away for a few hours and birded Shinecock Inlet (Sooty Shearwater, Wilson's Storm-Petrel, Clapper Rail, Red Knot, etc.) and then grabbed a few minutes at Gabreski Airport near Quogue.  This airport (pre-9-11) used to be much more accessible, but given the modern security environment it's hard to get back to areas where we used to see Upland Sandpipers, etc. (who knows if they're still in there).  Still, if you're prepared to ignore the first few "no entry" signs you can still get in far enough to see one of the better, and scarcer, breeding birds on Long Island, the Vesper Sparrow.  Try to go back further though, and you'll be turned away.  Perhaps best to leave the mystery of the Upland Sandpipers alone for now ....

Vesper Sparrow (3 shots) - a small breeding population hangs on in the Pine Barrens
of Eastern Long Island, and sometimes Winter's nearby.  Was lucky to have this bird
fly across the road in front of the car and jumped out to grab a few shots.

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